The Camp Kasota West site has been home to youth camping since 1925. Since our opening it has been our philosophy that the summer camp experience is key to the development of the individual, and we been privelileged to be able to provide that experience to the youth of Calgary and the surrounding area for the last 97 years. In that time, we have given young people the opportunity to develop an awareness and respect for the values of self and community, as well as the world in which they live and God. The following is a brief overview of the development of Camp Kasota West.
In 1925 Camp Kasota West was very different than it is today. The site was only made up of a large tent that served as the Dining Hall, campers slept on straw ticks on the ground in tents and the camp kitchen was nothing more than a lean-to. The first Dining Hall was built during the spring of 1926 and was ready for the first camp in July. The original Dining Hall would serve Camp Kasota West for many years as the Dining Hall, Craft Hall and a Staff Lounge until its demolition in 2006.
In the 1930’s Camp Kasota West was going to be sold and developed into summer cottages. Mr. G.W. Myers and Mr. H.S Mann bought the property, with the understanding that it would be developed for youth camping. In 1935, Mr. Mann built Mann Lodge between Camp Kasota West and Kasota East Camp where it still stands today. The property and Mann Lodge were sold to the United Church of Canada for youth camping in 1939.
The United Church purchased the remaining property to make up what we know today as Camp Kasota West and Kasota East Camp in the 1940’s. On August 28, 1948 “The Kasota Camp” was incorporated and registered with the Alberta Government. It was decided to allocate the western part of the property to Calgary Presbytery and the eastern part to Red Deer Presbytery. The official division of the property took place on September 20, 1957.
The 1950’s saw the beginning of major development at Camp Kasota West. In 1955 the Manager’s Cabin was constructed, followed by the completion of the Pavilion, later known as the Dining Hall, in the late spring of 1958. In June of 1959 Camp Kasota West electric power was installed.
As the 1960’s began, development continued with the purchase of 10 new cabins, the construction of the original Wash House and the purchase of canoes for the summer program.
The 1970’s saw more creature comforts added to Camp Kasota West, including the purchase and installation of small furnaces in the cabins and the Dining Hall. As well, permanent bunks were built into each cabin and sailboats were purchased. In 1977 the bell was installed in the copula of the Dining Hall, where it resides today.
The 1990’s again saw major development at Camp Kasota West. In 1994 the camp was converted from propane to natural gas, on July 1, 1995 the new Wash House was opened, with a Staff Lounge located upstairs. In May of 1996 the kitchen went under a major renovation making it a commercial grade facility and the Grey House was moved onto Camp Kasota West property. The late 1990’s saw the construction of the new Craft Hall and the purchase of a mobile home for the Cook and Kitchen Staff.
In the early 2000’s construction of the Activity Centre and the purchase of a mobile home for the Camp Manager occurred. 2007 saw the addition of Bell Hall for sailboat storage and summer program use, and the Yurts for additional cabin space. These buildings were constructed with monies from memorials for individuals who were involved with camp over the years. In 2008 kayaks were purchased for the summer program.
The 2010’s saw the construction of the Long House, which houses additional Staff Quarters, a new Medic Office & Infirmary, along with additional Wash Room facilities. Two new double cabins were constructed, one next to the Activity Centre and the other adjacent to the Long House. The original Wash House and Dining Hall also received major facelifts on their respective interiors.